| STUDIO > - Piped Oil Paintings

Monday (Season 6, Episode 14)
Monday (Season 6, Episode 14)
Oil and pearlescent, gold and neon pigments on found book (You Can Get There From Here, 1975, Shirley MacLaine)

Oil painting on a found book made with a cake decorating extruder and dusted with powder pigments. Paint is squeezed directly from tubes into the piping bag where colours mix and swirl unpredictably as they being are extruded onto the book.

These are part of a series of paintings informed by a fiction of an imaginary commune whose residents search for a viable essence. In this fiction, residents run out of painting supports and decide to upcycle books from the commune library to paint on. The book this particular painting is on is a 1970s self-help book associated with New Age beliefs written by the actress Shirley MacLaine (famous for her spiritual cruise ship The Odyssey).

During PhD research fiction-as-method was tested through liquid paint experiments (including ceramics and marbling) and through the structure of an architectural diagram with themed rooms, such as library, kitchen and transformation room.